There is a one common question in so many people’s mind that “We have everything, then why should we become rich?”. “With money we can not buy happiness, then why should we earn a lot of money?” this question is also there in some people’s mind. It’s true, we can not buy happiness with money. But With money, we can buy everything we need and be happy. Living life with happiness is an art. Nobody will teach you this art. You have to learn to live yourself.
That God has given you the hands, legs, nose, ears, eyes, mouth, brain etc to stand on your own leg, but not to stretch your hands at someone else. In order to stand on your own feet, that God has given you everything. God has not given you everything to warm off the hands of politicians for government home and privileges. You are not less than anyone. Everything is possible to you. If you wish, you can become rich than Ambani. God has strengthened you by giving strength and health to help the weak people and disables. But what are you doing? Even though your hands and legs are fine, you are dying in poverty. No curse is worse than poverty.
Become rich enough to help the weak people, even if you do not want to earn money for yourself. Make lots of money and serve orphans and disabled people. Donate to them. After feeding your stomach, give food to the hungry people. If you do not want to fall down below the someone’s feet then you need to be rich. You have to be rich.
Poverty is in your mind, not in your home. As Bill Gates says, “If you have born as a poor, then this is not your fault. But if you have die as a poor, then this is your fault”. Now I think, you got the answer for the question “Why You Should Become Rich?”. If you do not want to suffer from someone else, then you should be financially strong. Be Rich, Help others and Make your birth meaningful. You can capable to help someone else if you are economically stable. So, Be Rich for It. All the Best…
Thanks for Reading…
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