Hi friends, Usually everyone knows that class toppers don’t succeed. A grade students work under the hands of C grade or failed students, this fact is generally known to all. People with PG, Phd are also apply for the job of peon, we can understand the actual talent of toppers from this. Here are the some reasons for Why don’t class toppers succeed?
1) Lack of Practical Education :
There is no opportunity for practical education in our education system. Our syllabus only teaches theory. It avoids practical things as much as possible. Class toppers read such syllabus honestly. Therefore there is no practical knowledge in them. They don’t get the right job. In addition, 90% of what they learn, does not come for any purpose in real life.
2) Lack of Thinking Ability :
Most of class toppers don’t have the thinking ability. They focus more on theory only. They don’t think practically about anything. Therefore, no new ideas are produced in them. They are just Well Trained, not Well Educated.
3) Teachers’ Slavery and Ego :
These class toppers always do the job of buttering up the teachers. They do the slavery of teachers’ for internal and practical marks. They give showy respect. Toppers use to nice the teachers and cook their beans. The phrase “Ati Vinayam Chor Lakshanam” suits well to them. Because of this great obedience, teachers support and praise them lot. They starts to fly in the air when they get praised by teachers. Usually all girls keep an eye on class toppers. Thus they consider themselves very intelligent and drown in ego.
Most of the teachers don’t know that the real talent of the world is on the Last Bench. Teachers support toppers only for the reason that they take more marks. In this way toppers become slaves of ego. They become ignorant due to their ego. Only marks and degrees do not feed their stomach, they understand this fact while working under the failed students. Wisdom is also needed with education, they later understands it. These toppers who do the slavery of teachers for internal marks in the college, later do the slavery of boss for job and promotion. Hence the saying “Toppers are the real Loafers”.
4) Lack of Knowledge and Skills :
Toppers study by tying their eyes by the cloth of marks. Therefore they do not have much knowledge or skills. Their blind reading pushes them into the well of ignorance. These toppers do not know how to fill the bank challan properly. While failed students give salary to others by check. These toppers are always suffering from the lack of Communication Skills, Financial Skills, General Knowledge, Self Confidence, Creativity etc. Therefore success becomes a dream for them.
5) Fear of Failure :
These toppers become foolish by studying only for marks due to the fear of parents and teachers. They never fail in school and colleges. But they are easily fail in society. Those people who passed the exam easily, fail in real life badly. They do not try anything new due to fear of failure. They do the work they get and lead an ordinary life.
See friends, you can not be successful in your life only with marks and college degrees. But you can settle in your life. In business there is no any benefits from marks and college degrees. That is why I have not yet gone to get my college degree certificate. I will not go to get it in the future also.
Toppers are the property of college only. But the last benchers are the property of the entire nation. That is why Abdul Kalamji has said, “The best brains of the country are found on the last benches of the class room”. Many businessmen already proved this.
Many people, such as Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg have become billionaires without college degrees. Now there is no need of college degrees to wisemen. Because big companies like Google and Facebook are giving more work to people with no college degrees. For these reasons, class toppers are not successful. I am proud to be a Last Bench Student. If you are also an average student then do not worry, you have bright future than class toppers. If you liked this column then hit like and share it. And also comment your opinion. All the Best and Thanks You…
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