I want happiness. You want happiness. We want happiness. Everyone wants happiness. Everybody wants to lead happy life. But most of people don’t know where is real happiness? They search it every where and in every thing.
Is it in money? Is it in gold?
Is it in property?
Is is it in car? Is it in bike?
Is it in Sex?
Then where it is? Where is real happiness?
Real Happiness is not in money, property, car, bike, sex etc. Real happiness is not in costly things. Real Happiness is in small and smart things. Real happiness is in satisfaction. Real happiness is in sacrificing unwanted things. Happiness is already with you in your heart. If have doubt, then close your eyes and keep your hand on your heart and check your happiness. Friends, don’t search for Happiness. It is already with you in everything. Just feel it freely.
Secret of Happiness by William Shakespeare :
Famous dramatist, poet William Shakespeare once said that, “I always feel happy. Do you know why? I don’t expect anything from anyone. Because expectations always hurt us”. Yes, he is 100% right. Expectations always hurts us. If you want to be happy. Then just fallow this happiness formula given by Shakespeare. i.e.
“If you want to feel always happy. Then don’t expect anything from anyone. Expectations always hurts you badly. Life is too short. So love your life and make it sweet. Just live for yourself.
Before you speak, listen.
Before you write, think.
Before you spend, earn.
Before you pray, forgive.
Before you hurt, feel.
Before you hate, love.
Before you quit, try.
Before you die, live”.
Be happy and keep smiling forever.
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(All Rights of this article are fully reserved by Director Satishkumar and Roaring Creations Private Limited India. No part of this article can be copied, translated or re published anywhere without the written permission of Director Satishkumar. If such violation of copy rights found to us, then we legally punish to copy cats and recover our loss by them only.)
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