Hi friends, I have made a lot of mistakes in my life. Then I have corrected them. Those mistakes given me a lot of experience and helped me to move forward. I made a mistake of giving heart to a heartless girl, I made a mistake of trusting the friends too much, I made a mistake of being overly emotional while doing business, I made a mistake of losing without trying, I made a mistake of waiting for opportunities, I made a mistake of sharing my future plans. I have done so many such mistakes and learned a lot from them. I am writing this column based on this. If you want to achieve something in your life, then understand the following things carefully.
1) When you try to achieve something in your life, first your people try to stop you. They discourage you. Your friends will laugh at you. Your relatives burn on you. People call you mad. Enemies will be born to you automatically. But they don’t have the power to stop you. They are all just barking dogs. Don’t be afraid of them. No one else has the ability to ruin you. Only you have the ability to ruin yourself. Don’t be afraid of people and don’t cheat your dreams yourself only. Let laughing people to laugh, burning people to burn. Laughing people will perish and burning people will be burned to ashes. You confidently move towards your goal.
2) There is no perfect time to do any work. All time is good for all good works. There is no good time and bad time. Each and every time is good time. When starting a business or any work don’t waste your valuable time in waiting for good time. Start your work now only.
3) The road to achievement is not easy. That is a harder path than the path of stones and thorns. There is nothing easy, nothing difficult. In this world, Taking birth is not easy, dying is not easy and living is also not easy. Do not be afraid when difficulties come your way. All good works have oppositions. All actions have contradictions and criticism. Take them as a challenge. If there is no hardship on the way you go, it means you are on the wrong path. Only bad roads can make good drivers. Always remember one thing that only difficult roads reaches to beautiful destinations.
4) Be a little bit selfish for your dreams and goals. Don’t waste your golden time in gossips. Don’t kill your precious time for useless time pass friends. Time is wealth. Use it properly. You will find thousands of people who give you free advises, but no one will come to help you in your bad time. Use your entire time for your growth. Save money for your goals.
5) Don’t trust your friends and relatives too much. Those whom we trust too much, they only deceive us soon. So don’t trust your friends too much. All friends are not good. It is difficult to say when and why friends deceive us.
For Example ; After completion of BSc graduation, me and my friends Anwar, Vishal, and Sandeep decided to start a business together. For that we needed 5 lakhs. I trusted them and did market analysis, project report and loan. But my friends blocked my phone number and disappeared with their girlfriends without informing me nothing. That time I made lakhs of loan trusting them. They were already decided to do post graduation. One year later, I came to know that those three were doing Msc at Rani Channamma University with their girlfriends. But what is the benefit? Now I am well settled in my life. My company is going well. I don’t want to see their faces again. So friends, don’t trust your friends too much. Don’t take emotional decisions while doing business.
6) Don’t share your future plans unnecessarily with others. Because there is no shortage of people who throws stones in your path after knowing your plans and goals. When you tell your dreams, jobless people laughs at you. This creates inferiority in you. Your attentiveness and focus will be ruined. You are more likely to demotivate. If you are in business field, then people will copy your plans and be successful before you. Therefore, Don’t share your goals with anyone unnecessarily. Instead of it, show your results directly. Don’t share your plans, show your results.
7) In this world no one is sitting to fulfill your dreams. You have to create your opportunities on your own. Opportunities will not come searching you. You have to create them yourself. Instead of going blindly in others’ way, create your own way. You can’t get what you want. You get what you deserve. So create your opportunities yourself and increase your aptitude.
8) No one is 100% perfect in this world. Mistakes are common. When you make mistakes, quickly correct them and move on. Improve yourself every day. Stay excited to learn something new every day. Learn new things. Innovate new stuff. Don’t be afraid when you make mistakes. Make mistakes and learn from them. Never stop learning. If you don’t make mistakes in your life, it means you are not doing anything new.
9) In the word “SUCCESS” U plays the very important role. In your success U are very important. Your family members, friends etc are not important. You remain as you. You only responsible for your loss-win, pain-gain. First you remain as you. Then everything will be fine.
Dear friends, I have learned so many things from my mistakes. But you don’t need to do mistakes to learn these things. You have to learn from others’ mistake. Because you don’t have a big life to make all these mistakes and learn from them. Therefore understand these things carefully and be successful in your life. If you need columns on any topic, then follow me on Instagram and make a direct message. All the Best…
Thanks for Reading…
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