Loneliness is a terrible curse. When a man is alone his mind becomes graveyard. A pure isolation is a paradise. But a rough loneliness is hell. When a man is alone, hundreds of answerless questions arises in his mind. Here are some such Unanswered Questions for you.
1) No matter how beautiful is our wife, but for us other’s wife looks like the supreme beauty, why?
2) To whom we love most, they only hurt us too much, why?
3) Even body selling girls have loyalty. But why not heart selling girls don’t have any loyalty?. Even a poor person has a pure love in his heart who is living in hut. But why not a rich person don’t have a love in his heart who is living in palace?.
4) Why do all people always stand on the edge to listen a lost story again by digging it?
5) Why people not having wisdom eat other’s head by giving unnecessary wisdom tips?.
6) I even helped my enemies at midnight when they called me by telling their problems. But when I was in trouble, my friends did not help me. No one wants the good character. Everyone wants money only. Isn’t it?
7) Why she built a house in my heart who even don’t talk with me when she come in front of me. Why she torturing me in my dreams who never seen to my eyes? Why she looks more beautiful in dreams than reality?
8) Why can’t we get a filmy lover in real life? Why a filmy friend doesn’t help in real life?
9) Didn’t some people of India, cheating to their own nation by not paying tax? Didn’t shameless politicians of India looting our country? Don’t they have the ability to loot other countries? or Don’t we have a strength to kill them?
10) Every night, while going to bed, mind says that “I will change tomorrow, I will do something new tomorrow, i will achieve something in my life…”. But why it forgets everything even before early morning?
Still there are so many unanswered questions in my mind. But if i expressed them, then unnecessary arguments and controversies may begin. I have the ability to face arguments. But I have not been able to face controversies. I will surely write about remaining unanswered questions when i get ability to face controversies.
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