Student life is golden life. Every student has beautiful and bad memories about his student life. This student life divided into School Life and College Life. To me both school life and college life are so important. I love both school and college days. I enjoyed lot in my student life. Based on my student life i am distinguishing between School Life and College Life.

1) Friends Circle :
In school life majority of people had few friends or only one friend. But in college life we have big gangs of friends. In school days we know about each and every classmate. But in college life we know only our benchmates and labmates.
2) Dressing Styles :
In school, dress code and uniform is made compulsory. So there is no joy of colorful dresses except middle day of the week. But in college, there is no dress code and uniforms. Everybody come to college with colorful dresses. In college everyone put more effort to shine and look smart. So they give more importance to dressing styles and hair styles. Girls give visit to Beauty parlors to look more and more beautiful. They adopt the latest fashions in their dressing sense.
3) Fights :
In school, students fight for silly silly things and get compromise very soon. But in college, students fights for serious matters like complex triangle love stories. There is no ragging in school but we felt very bad on first day of our college due to seniors ragging.
4) Lunch Time :
In school students usually bring lunch boxes and share our snacks with everybody. But in college there is no such harmony and kindness. Everyone go to canteen for lunch.
5) Class Time :
In school, students have to attend all classes without fail. School classes are so interesting because of friendly teachers. Students love all classes along with PT classes. But in college days, almost all classes are boring, not so interesting. So students try to remain absent to some boring classes. Some students feel sleepy during the class in a college. There is no separation between girls and boys in school. But in college they are separated.
6) Relationship with Teachers :
In school we have healthy relation with teachers. Teachers are so friendly with students. Students love all school teachers. Students show heartily respect to all teachers. But in college students keep unhealthy relations with lectures. Majority of lectures are unfriendly with students. College students hate some lectures and show showy respect to them.
7) Student Behavior and Habits :
In school days, almost all students have good behavior and good habits. But majority of college students have bad behavior and bad habits. School students wake up early and college students wake up very late. School students spend holiday in their grand parent’s home, but college students spend their holidays in hot picnic places like Goa. School students have clean heart but college students have dirty heart with dirty thoughts. School students are silent and innocent, but college students are violent and cheaters.
8) Marks and Attendance :
School students attend to all classes and get good marks. But college students bunk the classes and go to movies, bars, pubs with their lovers. So they always suffer from lack of attendance and marks. College students keep subjects in backlog.
9) Breakage of Rules and Mistakes :
School students follow all rules and regulations sincerely. But college students break all rules and regulations intentionally . School students do justified mistakes. But college students do serious and stupid mistakes. Mistakes of school students are eligible for excuse. But college student’s mistakes are punishable.
10) Topics of Group discussions :
School students usually discuss about PT periods. But college students discuss about girls, girl’s dress, lovers, boyfriends, girlfriends, mobiles, lectures, class bunk, movies and se*.
11) Burden and Pressure :
In school days, we had really good friends. So we had pure fun. But in college, we have namely and fake friends. So we had impure fun. School students lead dependent life and they don’t have much pressure and burden. The only burden of school students is 5 kg school bag. College students lead partially or fully independent life. So they have lot of burdens and pressures like college fees, part-time jobs, pocket money, passing marks etc.
School students have sufficient time for play and fun, but college students don’t have that much of time. They day and night die in study, assignments, projects and seminars. They don’t have time to copy the notes and they go for xerox. School students have no fear of future. But College students afraid of future.
12) Annual Days :
School life annual days and sports days are quite simple but so interesting. College life annual days and sports days are Rocking days. College fests are so super.
13) Things Studied :
In school we studied mainly discipline and other fundamentals of life along with study. In college we studied and understood the entire life along with boring studies.
Both school and college life memories are very special to everyone. School is COOL, but college is HOT. Share your school and college days memories with me without fail.
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