“Every second SHE is trying to avoid Bad Looks.
Every second SHE is trying to hide herself from Bad Eyes.
Every second SHE is trying to escape from Bad Things.
Everywhere, Every time SHE is feeling Unsafe.
Every moment SHE is living in fear of Bad Experiences.
Day and Night SHE is suffering from Sad Memories of Bad Looks.
So, don’t keep your Bad Eyes on SHE .
Leave her to herself, if you Really love your Mother, Sister and Lover.”
We all chanted one pledge in our school that “All Indians are my brothers and sisters”. But i don’t know why most of people forgotten this promise. Some men are bringing bad name to whole mankind by behaving like a beast with Her. SHE is feeling unsafe, because of bad looks and some bad men.
Its our duty to make her to feel safe everywhere and every time. Her safety is our responsibility. Stop staring at Her and her body parts. Don’t look at her with bad intention. Don’t keep your bad eyes on her. Lets start a change from YOU only first. Create a fearless environment for Her everywhere.
Respect her and protect her. Because you are Indian and
SHE is our Mother India, Daughter India, and Sister India.
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(All Rights of this article are fully reserved by Director Satishkumar and Roaring Creations Private Limited India. No part of this article can be copied, translated or re published anywhere without the written permission of Director Satishkumar. If such violation of copy rights found to us, then we legally punish to copy cats and recover our loss by them only.)
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