I have the desire of seeing her who disappeared giving me the tears of separation unnecessarily. But the kajal of her eye is haunting me…
I have the desire of praising her who ruined my life. But her red lips are tying my tongue…
I have the desire of saying something secretly in her ears who made me listen my criticism only. But her earrings are teasing me…
I have the desire of cuddling her by kissing who snatched my smile. But her nose ring is laughing at me by doing satire…
I have the desire of seeing depth of my love in the window of her eyes by peeping. But her angry eye sight is killing me…
I have the desire of seeing a smile on her pale face again. But her grumpy smile is pricking my heart like thorn…
I have the desire of holding the umbrella to the sky when rain pours. I have the desire of covering the blanket on the earth when cold comes. I have the desire of giving cool drinks to burning sun. I have the desire of feeding chocolate to the moon. I have the desire of seeing her full of eyes before closing my eyes. But because of her greed everything is despair…
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(All Rights of this article are fully reserved by Director Satishkumar and Roaring Creations Private Limited India. No part of this article can be copied, translated or re published anywhere without the written permission of Director Satishkumar. If such violation of copy rights found to us, then we legally punish to copy cats and recover our loss by them only.)
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