Life Lesson of Red Light Girl – Fictional Romance Story
About the Book :
┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а “Life Lesson of Red Light Girl” is the fictional romance story. This is the life changing story for all men who troubles their wives by drinking wine and sharing their bedroom secrets with their friends. Santosh is the main character of this story who tortures his wife Lakshmi in different ways due to the bad friendship of Hari. Hari is the negative character of this story who wants to develop illicit relationship with his friend Santosh’s wife Lakshmi. He troubles Lakshmi to get her. Only for Lakshmi Hari do friendship with Santosh and creates a wall between newly married couples. But due to one Red light girl Santosh changed himself and mingled with Lakshmi again. Here Red light girl plays an important role in Santosh’s life. To know what is her role and how Lakshmi breaks the pride of fraud Hari?, Read the story once.
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Author : Director Satishkumar
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About the Book :
┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а“Life Lesson of Red Light Girl” is the fictional romance story. This is the life changing story for all men who troubles their wives by drinking wine and sharing their bedroom secrets with their friends. Santosh is the main character of this story who tortures his wife Lakshmi in different ways due to the bad friendship of Hari. Hari is the negative character of this story who wants to develop illicit relationship with his friend Santosh’s wife Lakshmi. He troubles Lakshmi to get her. Only for Lakshmi Hari do friendship with Santosh and creates a wall between newly married couples. But due to one Red light girl Santosh changed himself and mingled with Lakshmi again. Here Red light girl plays an important role in Santosh’s life. To know what is her role and how Lakshmi breaks the pride of fraud Hari?, Read the story once.
About the Author :
┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬аSatishkumar is a young multi language writer (Kannada, English, Hindi and Marathi), Motivational Speaker, Entrepreneur and independent filmmaker from India. And also he is the Co-founder and CEO of Roaring Creations Pvt Ltd India. For more updates follow him on all social media sites.
Book Pages : 55
Book Format : Epub with colorful images.
Publisher : Roaring Creations Private Limited, India
Seller : Amazon Asia-Pacific Holdings Private Limited.
Book Rights :
┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а All Rights of this book are fully reserved by Director Satishkumar and Roaring Creations Private Limited India. No part of this book can be copied, translated or re published anywhere without the written permission of Director Satishkumar. If such violation of copy rights found to us, then we legally punish to copy cats and recover our loss by them only.
┬й Director Satishkumar