Believing in our self, Believing in our true abilities, Believing in our talent is called the self confidence. What will be the value of this breath if we don’t believe in ourselves? First we have to believe in ourselves.
First believe in yourself, later the world will itself believe in you. Doubtful steps will not lead you to your goal. You have to learn to go forward bravely. So you have to increase your confidence. Here are some easy formulas to boost your confidence.
11 Easy Formulas to Boost your Confidence :
1) Do what you are afraid of and finish it. Bravely face the fact that scares you.
For Example – If you are afraid of water, then learn to swim. If you are afraid to speak in public, then dare once, climb the stage and talk. Your fear will automatically disappears and Your confidence will also increases.
2) Pay proper attention to your body. Workout daily. Exercise daily. Do yoga and Pranayama. Stay strong mentally and physically. Don’t forget that where there is a strong body, there is a strong mind.
3) Prepare properly about your work. Practice your work or art well. The more you practice, the more perfect you become. Be well prepared and take actions without wasting time. No problem even if you lose, try again and again. Enhance your experience. Remember that good experience only comes from bad experiences.
4) Kill your negativity and increase positivity. Stay away from negative things and negative peoples. Develop a Positive Attitude. Don’t be afraid of your problems and don’t get back. Smile at your problems and face them bravely.
5) Stand in front of the mirror every day and talk to yourself. Put both your hands on your waist and look at yourself in the mirror and talk. By doing so, the inferiority, latent fear and shame present in you goes away and your confidence gradually increases.
6) First understand yourself. Think about your true energy and capabilities. Everyone has their own weaknesses. Focus on your energy and abilities without worrying about your weaknesses. Neglect your weakness and focus on your strengths. Believe in your strengths.
7) Don’t keep big targets first. First keep small small goals. Achieve those goals. Then celebrate your victory. Appreciate yourself. Slap your back on yourself. By doing this, your confidence increases gradually. Therefore, First keep small targets. Achieve them and celebrate your success.
8) Acquire knowledge from all corners. Don’t stop learning for any reason. Understand new things everyday. Develop new skills. Learn new new skills. Improve your communication skills and body language.
9) Get inspiration from surrounding people and objects. Always stay fit and active. Watch Movies that inspires you, Listen good songs, Read stories and poems, Watch videos that motivates you.
10) Stop comparing yourself with others. Try to remain you as you only. First of all understand that you are not an ordinary, you are a masterpiece. Now world’s population is around 700 crores. According to one saying, there are 7 peoples like you in this world. That means, you are one among 100 crore people. So don’t compare yourself with others. Don’t give attention about what world thinks about you. Do your job for your satisfaction and happiness. Leave the result.
11) Just accept the things that cannot be changed. For example, if you are feeling hesitant for being black, midget or fat, then stop doing it right now. Your success depends upon your work, not on your beauty. Beauty, wealth, help of friends and advises of relatives are not needed to become successful in life. The persistence and will power are enough to get success. So, leave your inferiority and start working.
These tips are enough to boost your confidence. These are my personal experiences. But all these are definitely useful in boosting your confidence. It is a matter of great pride to live one day bravely rather than living hundred years with fear. Therefore increase your confidence. Move forward with confidence. All the Very Best and Thank You…
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