1) Life Lesson of Red Light Girl – Fictional Romance and Social Message Story
“Life Lesson of Red Light Girl” is the fictional romance and Social message story. This is the life changing story for all men who troubles their wives by drinking wine and sharing their bedroom secrets with their friends. Santosh is the main character of this story who tortures his wife Lakshmi in different ways due to the bad friendship of Hari. Hari is the negative character of this story who wants to develop illicit relationship with his friend Santosh’s wife Lakshmi. He troubles Lakshmi to get her. Only for Lakshmi Hari do friendship with Santosh and creates a wall between newly married couples. But due to one Red light girl Santosh changed himself and mingled with Lakshmi again. Here Red light girl plays an important role in Santosh’s life. To know what is her role and how Lakshmi breaks the pride of fraud Hari?, Read the story once.
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2) Evening Queen – One Romantic Marriage Life Love Story
“Evening Queen” is the romantic love story of a beautiful lady having evening blindness. This story explains about how she manages her wedding life without seeing during the evening time. Her after wedding life is the most romantic and lovable part of this story. In her life, she also faces a worst villain who tries to seduce her in the absence of her husband. Totally this is the pure romantic love story of a married couple with the shadow of crime thriller.
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3) Police love story – One Crime Story in English
“Police Love Story” is the story of a sincere police officer who fall in love with a village girl. Actually it is the crime story. You can guess it by looking at its poster. This story proves that present Indian society is not safe for sincere police officers and innocent citizens especially for women.
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4) Mesmerism of Girlfriend – Fictional Crime Thriller Story in English
“Mesmerism of Girlfriend” is the fictional crime thriller story. One bad boy named Vishal was attracted towards the beauty of a beautiful girl named Lata. To seduce her he played love drama with her. But when she refused him, he kidnapped her by doing mesmerism on her with the help of black magician. To know, What happens next, please go through the story…
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5) One Crime Story in the Forest
“One Crime Story in the Forest” is the tragic story of two close lovers who went to the dangerous hill to spend the quality of time there during weekends. Unfortunately they were trapped in the net of goons who were already waiting there for someone else. Among that lovers, boy was killed by that goons and girl was used for their lust thirst. They tortured that girl in so many ways to get a commercial hit blue film. Her body burnt in the fire of lust, but the lust thirst of those goons was not extinguished. She closed her eyes permanently there. This crime story is the warning bell to all lovers who go for dating to such dangerous places.
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6) A Stray Girl : One Tearful Love Story
“A Stray Girl” is the tearful love story of an innocent girl from the village. An innocent girl from the village was in love with a boy. One day she was caught by the villagers. The people of the village beat the girl and her lover very much. Due to different caste, they separated them. Later, the girl is sent to the city to study. But there she leaves studies and falls in love with a rich boy. Her city boyfriend leaves her using her sexually. Later she comes to her house and agrees to marry. But after the wedding and the first night, her husband drives her away from the house. To know, Why does he do this? What happens to that stray girl next?, read this short story once.
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7) Wife’s Love Lesson – One Romantic Love Story
“Wife’s Love Lesson” is the one romantic love story happened between the husband and wife. This is the story of a husband who don’t have any big goals in life and the wife who want to become an IAS officer in her life. Husband want to use her for sex purpose forcibly and his mother torture his wife deliberately. Story continues this way resulting in the opening of eyes of her husband.
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8) Naughty Love Stories – Hidden Stories of College Days
The book “Naughty Love Stories” is the collection of small small hidden love stories of my college days. I am sure that these stories remembers your college days’ crushes. These stories make you laugh, make you cry and make you think sometime. Today in 4G in era nobody have enough time to read big stories. So i have written collection of small love stories. This is my new effort. Please read this book once and give your honest reviews.
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9) A Letter to X Lover – The Best Love Breakup Motivational Story
“A Letter to X Lover” is the best love breakup motivational story. This book motivates the unlucky girl who broke the relationship with a truly loving handsome and successful boy. This book simply teaches to all unlucky girls, how to become successful in their life after love breakup. This book contains the best life advise to a X lover from her greatest lover and well wisher. Every heart broken girl or boy should read this book to get motivation to do something in life.
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10) Revenge on X Lover – The Best Motivational Story for all Love Failure Boys
“Revenge on X Lover” is the best love breakup motivational story. This is the success story of a love failure boy named Kumar. His lover Sundari leave him to marry a rich government servant who have car, big home and big bank balance. Because of his poverty she left him. So he became stubborn to take revenge on her by his success and richness. How he takes revenge on her? What happens in Sundari’s life after marriage? is the soul of this story. This is the best motivational story for all love failure boys.
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11) The King Cheater – Fictional Love Story in English
“The King Cheater” is the fictional love story of the princess Amruta and the ordinary clerk Agastya. Amruta’s father the cruel king Sudarshan is the cheater king of this story. Even though he was a cruel king, he used to love his daughter so much. But at the end he chops her brutally. Why and how he kills her? is the main plot of this story. Basically it is the love and hate story.
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12) The Rain Girl – One Cute Crush Story
“The Rain Girl” is the cute crush story of me and the beautiful girl who met me in the rain. In this small story i explained about how that rain girl angrily behaved with me and how i able to bring smile on her lips etc. To know full love story you have to read this book once. This is short and sweet story which is really happened in my life during my college days.
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13) Pearly : The Great Love Story of a Mermaid
“Pearly” is the great love story of a mermaid called Pearly. She came to earth to enjoy the beauty of earth by transforming herself from mermaid to young pretty woman by the help of a magician. On earth she fell in love with a prince, but the prince already had a lover. Pearly decided to kill his lover to get prince’s love. Is she kill his lover? Is she get his love? What tragedy or comedy happens between her and that prince is hidden in this love story “Pearly : The Great Love Story of a Mermaid”.
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14) A Clever Wife – One Husband Wife Story
“A Clever Wife” is the small story of a newly married beautiful wife Rani. She was married to a middle class engineer named Ravi. After few months of marriage Rani’s husband Ravi gets addicted to drinks due to friendship of bad friends and starts to torture her. She stopped sharing bed with him to get control over him. But he didn’t bow down before her bedroom Brahmastra. Then clever wife Rani played one trick and very cleverly killed her husband’s alcohol addiction. To know her trick, love and romance please read the full story…
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15) One Golden Rose – Beautiful Love Story a Indian College Girl
“One Golden Rose” is the beautiful love story of a Indian college girl Rashmi. This story rotates around the Rashmi and her classmates who tried to impress her in different way. Lot of boys tried to impress her, because of her beauty. But one rich boy gifted her golden rose. Mean while one poor boy by name Surya also loves her very much. Key point of the story is, to whom will Rashmi choose as her lover?. Answer for this question is “One Golden Rose” love story book.
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16) I am waiting for you : One Dreamy Love Story
“I am waiting for you” is the beautiful dreamy love story of a Indian lonely lad. This story rotates around the lonely lad and beautiful angel who came in his dream. This story mainly throws light on the loneliness of lads who don’t have any girlfriends. Lonely lad gets angel in his dream and do everything for her. But she goes away from him. With his ‘waiting for her’ this story ends in tragedy.
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17) One Half Love Story : Sad Love Story of Parrot and Fish
“One Half Love Story” is the very short sad love story of parrot and fish. Once one parrot came to lake to drink water and fell in love with one beautiful fish. Both fell in love, but they unable to continue their love because of their respective physical limitations. Hence they decided to break up. What happens next is the “One Half Love Story”.
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18) True Girlfriend – One Friendship Story
“True Girlfriend” is the eye opening friendship story of two teenagers. Most of time majority of people trust that Facebook friendship is the true friendship. But it is not true. This story proves that Lifebook friends are more important than fake Facebook friends. This is the story of two siblings who trusted that Facebook and mobile friends are true friends and they will come to help them in their bad times. How they leave fake friends and find true friends is the soul of this story. This story is written six years back. But it is suitable to today’s situations. Those people who spend lot of time in social medias like Facebook believing Facebook friends as true friends, need to read this small story once.
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19) 5 College Love Stories – Collection of Small Love Stories
“5 College Love Stories” is the collection of small love stories happened in my college life. Each and Everybody can relate themselves with these stories. This book contains the 5 small love stories namely ;
1) Love of Attraction – One Friendship Story
2) Rani Mahal – One Cute Love Story
3) Critical Crisis of Doctors’ – One Love Story with Death
4) One Untold Love – Story of Unexpressed Love
5) Doubt of Sandeep – Love Story of Doubtful Boy
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