There are thousands of things for people to do in their life. But our people do time pass in Facebook leaving their all significant works. Everybody uses Facebook from small children to adults. Using Facebook is not a bad thing. But misusing it with carelessness is a big mistake. Many people are trapped in unnecessary problems by doing such mistakes knowingly or unknowingly. I do not want to do foolish stuff of giving suggestions to fools. But it is my misfortune that I have to do that work now. These 12 works should not be done in Facebook.
Don’t Do These 12 Things in Facebook :
1) Friends Facebook is for entertainment purpose only, not for sharing your personal matters and problems. It is not that much safe to post your personal problems and personal stuffs there for the desire of likes and comments. There is no need to put your home address, phone number etc in Facebook. You can’t get solutions to your private problems by sharing them in Facebook. For that reason, it is best not to post your personal matters in Facebook…
2) Posting your current location every time in Facebook is not safe. Which hotel have you visited? What are you doing there? Why should you post all these things in Facebook? What is the need for it? By knowing your exact current location people who don’t like you, can harm you. Otherwise unknown people can attack you for anything. So do not share your current location in Facebook. It’s not okay to invite the unwanted dangers by sharing your current location with selfies where ever you go.
3) For girls, there is no need to take selfies with their cats, puppies and post them on Facebook to disturb boys’ sleep. Majority of photos shared by girls in Facebook are misused by some criminals of Facebook. Also they obscenely edit them and share them all over. By doing so they defame innocent girls. So many innocent girls have lost their life by posting their semi nude photos for the desire of Likes. It’s good if anyone doesn’t post their such photos in Facebook.
4) In Facebook, it is not good to abuse and tease someone with bad words. If you do not like someone else’s post, then please neglect it. Instead of doing this, do not show your dirty mind to everyone by doing dirty comments below that post. Do not torture anyone with your bad comments and messages. If the harassment given by you to someone else in Facebook is proved, then you are sure to be sentenced to jail. So give respect to everyone and take respect from everyone in Facebook.
5) Don’t humiliate your friends by tagging them in dirty memes and posts, listening to jobless trolling people. Don’t ruin your valuable friendship by tagging them in dirty trolls. Do not troll anyone and do not get trolled by anyone.
6) Do not share photos of any other unknown girl in Facebook. “If you share my photos, I will definitely give you my WhatsApp number”, Do not be frustrated by believing such girls in Facebook. Because in reality, they are not really girls. Some mischievous boys steal photos from from girls’ profile and edit them, then they misuse them for their page promotions. The shameless boys who don’t have energy to achieve their bread by working, do such shameless things in the name of girls in Facebook. No real girl does this.
7) It is not okay for 18- people to focus on unwanted things in Facebook or Google. Then 18+ people shouldn’t watch blue films. There is no wrong in watching them. That’s your personal interest and right. But it’s good if you don’t watch them, as concerned to the safety of your personal data stored in your mobile.
8) There are plenty of things to learn in Facebook. Follow the pages you like and get entertainment. But do not give anyone your personal information in any case and for any reason. Use Facebook only for fun and for your business growth.
9) Do not send a Friend Request to any person you do not know personally. Do not accept any person’s friend request, to whom you do not know personally. Do not search for new lovers and life partners in Facebook. Don’t do chatting with unknown peoples in Facebook. Unnecessarily do not give your mobile number to anyone. Because Facebook has more fake people than real people. They only know, for what purpose they are using Facebook. Therefore it is better to be a stranger with strangers.
10) Do not open your Facebook with free public WiFi. Because at this time your personal data is more likely to be leaked. Only use your Facebook account from your mobile device. Do not log in to your Facebook account in someone else’s mobile phone. Because if you forget to logout then your Facebook account may be misused.
11) Do not pay attention to the useless things that are going in Facebook every day and every second. Do not participate in the silly political and religious debates organised by the foolish people in Facebook Groups. Do not give too much importance to star wars of jobless people. Don’t involve in the trolls of Film stars, political insects without any reason. Invest your precious time in precious things by kicking such useless things of Facebook.
12) Most of the news and ads coming in Facebook are not true. Most of the time fake news comes only. Do not trust them and don’t be a joker in front of everyone by sharing them with others. You use Facebook. But do not give the chance to Facebook to use you.
According to me, these are the 12 things shouldn’t be done in Facebook. I am not anyone to tell you these things. I told what i felt. You can do whatever you want. I have no loss, no gain. Your Facebook your Like…
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