For money, for power, for land and for women all kinds fights have been taking place in this world since from ancient time. For money, man is ready to do any bad thing, there are lot of examples for this. For power, Vibhishana killed his own brother Ravana by Rama. For power, Pandavas and Kauravas fought like enemies and died. For power, Aurangzeb kept his own father in prison. Just for 30 cents, Judas betrayed his master, Jesus. Brutus fraudulently slaughtered his friend Julius Caesar for the Roman Empire. If I went on writing like this, pages will not be enough. So many bad things have happened for money, for power, for land and for women. Most of those who cheated were dear friends. This thing haunts me again and again. So be careful with your friends.
It is not that I don’t have belief in friendship. I have strong faith in friendship. I have only one best friend. Remaining people are is just opportunistic friends. Our friends leave all relatives and friends behind in stabbing in the back by staying together. Now friendship too has become selfish like love. Friends are also cheating. Instead of building bridges between hearts, they are building walls. When needed they are use us and after use, they throw us to dustbin. Now these friendship and love are not only remained as relationships. Now they are like convenient part-time jobs. There is more adulteration in friendship than milk. If love betrays once, friendship betrays again and again. Because all friends have become selfish and deceitful.
I have no faith in the today’s friendship. Because, I even helped to my enemies who called me for help at midnight, but when I was in trouble my friends not helped me. This pain often hurts me. My friends, who were always with me in college, who used to copy my notes, who have got a government job only by reading my notes, they have forgotten me and drowned in their personal life. They don’t even have a simple courtesy of saying thanks. Kuchelas who used to call ten times a day while in college, does not ask anything today. This does not mean that they don’t have time and are busy. Basically, they don’t have the interest to talk. Because their mind and body is full of jealousy.
I am not saying that all friends are bad. But I am just saying that all friends are not good. When I was in sad, all my fake friends celebrated Diwali. But only my best friend, left Diwali, took part in my pain and consoled me. The number of hands of number of bands which are on my hand on friendship day were not on my shoulders when I was in trouble. Only her hand was on my shoulder that day. I learned one thing that day that there should not be useless friends even though we have enemies all over the village.
It is not possible for a boy to be the best friend of another boy. Because just as, a woman is the enemy of woman, man is the enemy of man. Just as a woman can not tolerate the beauty of another woman, similarly one man will not tolerate the success of another man. By staying together, they stab us in the back with talking softly like butter. It is my misfortune that my friends felt too bad when I topped the exam. Now friends are bringing danger to our life rather than saving our life.
French Philosopher Voltaire says that, “Oh Lord, Protect me from my friends ; I can take care of my enemies”. His speech is so close to reality. Because, today friends only digging our graveyard in advance. They only keeping their bad eyes on friend’s wife who called home for lunch. There are so many friends who expelled their best friend from company who given them partnership in business trusting them too much. There are still a lot of traitors living in our society who killed their best friends for money, property and woman. That is why, there is a greater need to be safe from our friends than our enemies. In the book “48 Laws of Power” written by Robert Greene, the phrase “Don’t trust your friends is too much; rather than use your enemies” is effectively expressed.
The true intelligence is to use the feedback of enemies properly rather than taking suggestions from friends. Because our friends don’t have guts to show our mistakes to us. Though they have courage, they didn’t show our mistakes to us many times. Because they are seeking our downfall as Shakuni by staying with us. That is why its better to be safe by understanding the feedback of our enemies. Enemies give us real feedback, they allow us to point out our mistakes and they keep us always alert. Is it not enough for us to be successful?. If there is a competent enemy, rather than selfish friends around, we become successful automatically.
Even though we trust our enemies, we shouldn’t trust our friends too much. Our enemies knows our actual strength. But our weaknesses are only known to our friends. Because of our friends, our weaknesses are exposed to the outer world. Big holes are not needed for the boat to fall off. One small hole is enough. No one stumble to big mountain. Everyone stumbles to small small stones. In the same way, your small weakness leaked by your friends will sink you. If you are in business field this small weakness will destroy you. Therefore don’t trust your friends too much. Always be careful with them. Lifebook friends are more important than Facebook friends but all friends are not good.
If you want to go ahead in your life, then get away from your fake friends today only. A cigarette burner can never become your best friend when your beard is on fire. One who don’t show your mistakes and don’t take you in the right path is not your true friend. One who don’t help you in your bad time is not your best friend. Right from this moment, come out of the illusion and understand the reality and focus on reaching your goals.
I wanted a friend like Duryodhana in my life. Because if he wanted, he would compromise with the Pandavas on the last day of the Kurukshetra war and lived happily with half the empire. But he did not do so. His friend Karna is no longer alive, only for this sole reason he died without compromising with the Pandavas. We should bow down to Duryodhana’s friendship and tolerance when he found Karna with his wife Bhanumati laying his hand on her neck. So I wanted a great friend like him. But I never got a friend like him. Instead, I found a true friend like Sri Krishna. In friendship, she is like Sri Krishna and I am like Sudhama. She doesn’t want anything from me. Because everything is lying on her feet. She just wants my success. I didn’t need to write on the other face of friendship when I had great friend like her. But some of my friends are cheating me and making me a hero again and again. So I had to write this article to bring awareness about fake friends. Do not trust your friends too much. Beware of your friends and be safe from your friends.
I wrote about my friends and friendship. You also write about your friends in comment box. And share this article only with your best friends. My small request to you all is don’t cheat your friends who trust you so much, even if you cheat the world. All the Best and Thanks you…
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