Some things should not be realized too quickly. Some things should not be understood too lately. Our problem is that, we do not know the necessary things at the right time. We quickly get to know the unnecessary things. That’s is why we go into the wrong direction. In India, due to lack of sex education youths are getting into wrong direction. Even knowing this fact, all are silent shutting their mouth in this case. So we need to know some things for ourselves only. Here are the 8 things that you should know after 18+.
1) Our body is the culinary school of hundreds of chemicals. Hormonal abnormalities can make some changes in our body when we comes to adulthood. There is no need to afraid of this hormonal abnormalities and physical changes. Physical Changes are common and Natural at this age.
2) 16 to 18 years old age is the misguiding and misleading age. But we should not get misguide and mislead at this age. At 18, its common to see 108 blue dreams without any censor. But its not the right thing to lose control on our mind. We should not lose control on our mind at this sweet sexy age. If the mind goes beyond our control, there is no other big enemy than it. If the same mind is in our possession, there is no good friend than it. It’s good for us to have our mind as our friend.
3) During college days, there is no need of ‘love – sex – etc’. Love and sex are not necessary at this age. Your first priority should be to your studies. Your first priority should be to your goals. Your dreams and goals should get the first priorities, not the Dream Boys and dream girls. At this age have fun and do entertainment. But don’t play with other people’s feelings. Do not spoil someone else’s life for your entertainments and not even spoil your life also.
4) At 18 years old, no feelings are permanent and even mature. At this age all strong feelings like love and friendship are temporary. Either they are temporary feelings or temporary demands. So don’t spoil your golden life for these temporary feelings and demands. To fulfill your body demands, don’t get into wrong paths. Remember one thing that your life is more important than your lover.
5) At this age you may need to listen some unnecessary free advises from some unwanted peoples. Don’t accept these advises blindly. First listen them carefully, think over them and then accept or reject these suggestions. At this time, be away from negative things and negative thoughts. At this age you have to think about your true potential and then make decisions. Don’t make decisions in hurry by listening to others. Because people who gave you free advises are not coming to help you in your bad times.
6) Stop living in the fantasy world. Stop living in the imaginary world. Get out of the dreamy world and try to understand the real world. Try to live in present. You must correct yourself before life teaching you a lesson. Because life’s lesson is like cruel punishment. For that purpose, from now only you should start to live such that every second of your life as the best.
7) At this age mistakes are common. But don’t do any mistakes intentionally. If mistakes happens by you unknowingly, then accept it and correct it soon. Learn from your mistakes. For any silly reason, your great art shouldn’t be killed by you. Don’t kill your art and skills. You must sincerely try to convert your passion into a profession. Don’t run away from your responsibilities by giving fake excuses.
8) It’s not okay to die in old bitter memories. So come out from old memories. Doing Future Plans is not a mistake. But don’t fail to focus on present things. Do it first which is most necessary. Your tomorrow depends upon what you did today. So do well today. Don’t hesitate to see big dreams. Dream big and do Big. If you believed in your dreams, then your all dreams definitely comes true.
Still there are so many things to know. Life will teach you them in a right way slowly. All the best and Thanks you…
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