I haven’t seen any person who hates money. Everyone secretly hates the rich people who have lots of money. But openly loves the money. Today no one do friendship by looking at good character. First everyone looks at money and then makes friendship. Today treasure is more expensive than good character. If we have huge amount of money, then we can have relationship with miss world also. We can not buy happiness by money. But with money we can buy everything we need and be happy. Our happiness is more in things rather than persons.
I don’t wanted to become an adult. But age should not listened to me. How can i say to my age to not to grow? I always wanted to be a kid forever. But i became 21 years old lad. Then unnecessary expenses were started. My inner soul didn’t allowed me to waste my father’s money for my crazy wishes. When i was 21 years old, i felt shame on myself to stretch my hands before my father for pocket money. Soon i started to work hard to make lot of money. In the early stages i struggled to earn thousands of rupees. But now i am earning in millions through my writing and other business. If i went on writing regularly, no doubt i will earn in crores in future days.
Here are some easy ideas to get rich.
1) To earn money there are not one, not two, not hundred, not thousands, there are millions of ways to earn money. First we have to decide, What way should we earn Money? How much money should we earn and how? You have to struggle so much to earn money illegally. But there is no need to be so frightening and struggling to earn money legally. First decide how much money you need? Estimate your need before starting the work and earn money legally.
2) If you don’t have enough money, then don’t sit worrying too much. Begin to work from this moment only. Develop workholic mentality. Kill your laziness and work hard. When rich people’s diseases are coming to poor peoples, then why not poor peoples become rich. Don’t wait for good luck or good time. Start your work now only. If you sit with waiting for luck, your hairs will become white. But you are not going to rich.
3) Instead of struggling to sleep in small bed sheet, we have to learn to sleep in big bed sheet by stretching our legs as per our wishes. You have to work a little more to increase your income rather than decreasing your daily expenses. Don’t feel sad by decreasing your daily expenses. Just work more to increase your income.
4) Without effort you can’t be successful. Like that, you can’t get anything until you want it and work for it. Why you are hesitating to want whatever you need, when you have strength to work for it. You will not get the rich status as long as you want. The money will come when you work hard. Everyone works hard. But not everyone wants to become rich. If you are willing to work regularly and to become rich. Then no doubt, you are going to very rich one day. You will get whatever you want if you are ready to believe in your dreams. So believe in your dreams and work for them sincerely.
5) Instead of working with your body, work with your brain. Use your brain, not only body. You should learn how to wisely eat sugar like an ant rather than eating sugarcane like elephant. Work for quality than quantity. It is not important how many hours you worked in a day. It is important to know how much you worked with excellence.
Hard Work ≠ Success
Smart Work ≠ Success
Hard Work + Smart work = Success
Success = Money Source
6) Start your work when you have complete knowledge about it. If you think it is necessary to learn anything about your work, then first learn it properly. Follow the formula “First Learn, Then Earn”. You become expert as you learn something new. Your value increases when your knowledge increases. How much you learn, that much you earn. So don’t be lazy in learning your work.
7) Use your available time properly. Make the right decisions for the right time. Don’t run away from your work by giving false excuses. Take risks and be strong with responsibilities. Improve yourself and your work. Instead of thinking unnecessarily, start working soon.
8) Find a special ability or special quality or art that is hidden within you. Turn your passion into profession. When your passion becomes your profession you will easily earn lots of money.
For example ; when i was in High school and college, writing was my passion. But now it is my profession. Now i am earning lots of money from my writing and stories. Cinema is also my passion. I will convert it into profession very soon. Remember one thing that, your great art brings you great name, fame and wealth.
9) Do not work for money only. Work for self-satisfaction and happiness. Do the work you like. Don’t waste your time and energy by doing not interested work. If you love your work, the money will love you. earn huge money from multiple sources. One brilliant idea is enough for you to become a billionaire.
10) Try to understand one thing that, you are going to be rich by earning more and more money, but not by saving. More earning is the key formula for richness, not silly saving. Don’t decompose your money by keeping it in banks. Instead of wasting your money, invest it. Don’t waste your money ; invest your money. Don’t depend on single money source. Earn money from multiple sources.
These are not the ways to make money, but just the right ideas. It’s not a difficult task to earn huge money if you are ready to work with 100% dedication and interest. If you have a desire to earn huge money, then all the best from my side.
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